How to get paint out of your carpet

If you have ever painted your home, you already understand how important it is to be careful, but we are all human and accidents happen. We have all dropped a little, or a lot, of paint on the carpet or hardwood flooring while working on our painting projects. Thankfully paint drips are relatively easy to fix, as long as you don’t allow them to dry. Simply take an absorbent cloth and dab at the stain gently until it comes up. Do not rub it or it will force the paint into the carpet. If you happen to spill more than a few drops, you are going to need a wet/dry vacuum right away. Remember: do not allow the paint to dry into the carpet. In order to keep the paint wet while you retrieve your vacuum, simple wet a few towels and place them over the paint. Once you have your vacuum, suck up all of the paint. After all of the paint is successfully out of your carpet, call Golden Glove to come out and perform a deep clean so your carpet and pad aren’t unknowingly wet, which, if left untreated, can lead to molding.



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