Area Rug Cleaning

Many commercial facilities use area rugs as part of their interior design décor. Many area rugs whether contemporary or not are made up of wool or silk. Oriental rugs are made up delicate fabrics as well. These types of rugs can not be properly cleaned on site. These specialty rugs with delicate fabrics must be cleaned off-site. That’s why GOLDEN GLOVE operates an off-site Expert Rug Care Center, which is fully equipped to expertly clean area rugs of all types, from inexpensive modern rugs to heirloom Orientals.

Our Golden Glove technicians use great care to clean these rugs properly. We offer a carpet protectant to protect against further stains. Golden Glove’s rug cleaning experts utilize a detailed ten step process to provide excellent care for the finest Oriental rugs, as well as contemporary area rugs.

To offer the best service for these specialty rugs, Golden Glove offer a convenient pick-up and delivery of area rugs.

If you are needing to deep clean one area rug or several, consider contacting Golden Glove today. Golden Glove can schedule a time we can pick-up your area rug from your commercial facility.

Golden Glove is totally dedicated to customer satisfaction and operates under its 100% Delighted Guarantee which promises that customers will be completed delighted or we will re-clean to the customer’s satisfaction for free!