4 Ways to Keep Your Carpet Clean Between Professional Cleanings


Some great way to keep your carpets clean and smelling good between professional cleanings include vacuuming on a weekly basis, spot cleaning any spills or accidents, providing odor control, and leaving your shoes at the back door.

Before we vacuum all the dirt from our carpet, we want to make sure we control the odor. The best way to do this is to sprinkle baking soda on the carpet and let it sit a good 30 minutes before you vacuum. Some people even add drops of lavender or orange to help improve odors.

Vacuuming on a weekly basis not only keeps your carpet looking new and clean, it helps prevent dust and dirt buildup. However, if you can’t vacuum at least once a week, switching your vacuum filter to a HEPA filter vacuum. HEPA filters trap fine particles of pollen, dust, and other allergens.

The next thing is to spot clean any and all spills or accidents. First you need to determine what is spilled on your carpet to best remove the spill properly. Second you will need to Google how to properly remove the spill without staining the carpet.

And the last way to help keep your carpet clean is to make sure you take your shoes off at the door. Leaving your shoes at the door can cut your lead dust levels by 60 percent, and also reduce your exposure to pesticides, dust mites, and more. To maintain carpets, wear socks or slippers instead of going barefoot indoors: Healthy Child, Healthy World says that natural skin oils can release from bare feet and attract dirt on the carpet.

Call Golden Glove Cleaning (678) 817-0089 today for an estimate on deep cleaning your carpets.



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